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n. (plural of gadgeteer English)

Usage examples of "gadgeteers".

As a matter of passing interest, Megellon had a bug about gadgeteers and he omitted stress-psychology.

Perhaps in the subsequent negotiations, we may learn something of these Gadgeteers, their bases, numerical strength and so on.

He was compelled to remind himself that these Gadgeteers favored a loose form of government once referred to as a democracy and not the efficient discipline of Island government.

Still marvelous gadgeteers, of course, but strictly third-rate citizens who now quite rightly had been relegated to the backwash of the empire.

Besides, it may be enough to permit some of his gadgeteers to throw together an apparatus which will give protection to tonight's meeting.

Some of those smart-ass gadgeteers could prob'ly limit the stuff a synthesizer makes, but as for ginnin' up cheap drugs, I sure hope so.