G-Fest, often typeset as G-FEST, is an annual convention devoted to the Godzilla film franchise and other kaijū (literally strange beast, also the name of the genre of Japanese giant monster movies) franchises such as Gamera and the Ultra Series G-Fest is staged by Daikaiju Enterprises, Ltd., and G-Fan magazine. It regularly features panels, contests, and theatrically screened films of interest to fans of Japanese monsters.
Actors, directors, special effects technicians, and other famous people who worked on Godzilla, Ultraman, Gamera, and other kaiju movies in Japan are frequent guests at G-Fest. Often, the major guest is honored with the coveted "Mangled Skyscraper Award" for their lasting contributions to the kaiju genre.
G-Fest was founded by J. D. Lees, publisher of G-Fan magazine and the G-Fan website, and the late John Rocco Roberto. Actor Robert Scott Field regularly attends G-Fest as a celebrity guest and translator.
G-Fest features a Dealer's Room, a costume parade, a model show and competition, and a fan film competition. Other popular activities are film screenings (held at the Pickwick Theater in Rosemont, Illinois) video game tournaments, children's activities, and autograph sessions. G-Fest also raises money for charitable causes.