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The Fusulinacea is a superfamily in the Fusulinida in which the test is spherical, discoida, or fusiform; commonly coiled, less often uncoliing in the late stage, numerous chambers per whorl; test wall of microgranular calcite (as for the order) in one to four layers. Tunnels or secondary foremina may result from partial resorption and secondary deposition may produce chomata, parachomate, tectoria, and axial fillings. Range: M Devonian (Givetian) - U Permian (Djulfian )

The Fusulinacea, as revised in Loeblich and Tappan, 1988, includes 7 families, 27 subfamilies, and 164 genera. The families are:

  • Loeblichidae
  • Ozawainellidae
  • Fusulinidae
  • Schwagerinidae
  • Staffelllidae
  • Verbeekinidae
  • Neoschwageriidae

-- listed according to the reference.