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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fustigation \Fus"ti*ga"tion\, n. [Cf. F. fustigation.] A punishment by beating with a stick or club; cudgeling.

This satire, composed of actual fustigation.


n. 1 a beating with a club 2 (context by extension English) a harsh verbal assault

Usage examples of "fustigation".

This time there would be no force, no fustigation or feathering, but only sweet fucking and maybe a bit of gamahuching, for I had already discovered that sweet Alice had the most effervescent of sensual natures when lips and tongue plied that coral nook between her shapely thighs with the expert diligence of which I was capable.

They had received their fair share of fustigation, feathering, yes, and fucking too, with the little fillip of erotic excitement which all of us procured in having mother and daughter perform the secret and mystic rituals of Lesbos.

Maude and the day of her arrival at the little railway station, he displayed to Maude a more benign conduct, especially as regards the moderate dosage of fustigation which he found it necessary to inflict on her delectable bare buttocks to rouse her to meet and encompass his carnal passions.

But he knew as a connoisseur that she would give him greater pleasure by submitting to fustigation, for therein lay supreme shame at having to uncover her secret parts to a man to be flogged for a sin which only females are guilty of and which no man should know about.

Charles Cameron pursue his pleasures, and to this date, so far as may be reasonably conjectured, his are the greater, thanks to the cooperation of his two mature instructresses, who having themselves been converted to a passion for voluptuous fustigation, see to it that his wish to watch pupils of all ages and maturity bared and thrashed is carried out.