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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Further \Fur"ther"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Furthered; p. pr. & vb. n. Furthering.] [OE. furthren, forthren, AS. fyr[eth]ran, fyr[eth]rian. See Further, adv.] To help forward; to promote; to advance; to forward; to help or assist.

This binds thee, then, to further my design.

I should nothing further the weal public.
--Robynsom (More's Utopia).


n. The act by which something is furthered; furtherance. vb. (present participle of further English)

Usage examples of "furthering".

Wherefore, all so God me bless, Jovis holds it great humbless, And virtue eke, that thou wilt make A-night full oft thy head to ache, In thy study so thou writest, And evermore of love enditest, In honour of him and praisings, And in his folke's furtherings, And in their matter all devisest,* *relates And not him nor his folk despisest, Although thou may'st go in the dance Of them that him list not advance.

He was at a starting-point which makes many a man's career a fine subject for betting, if there were any gentlemen given to that amusement who could appreciate the complicated probabilities of an arduous purpose, with all the possible thwartings and furtherings of circumstance, all the niceties of inward balance, by which a man swims and makes his point or else is carried headlong.