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Furie may refer to:

  • HMS Wilhelmina (1798), previously Dutch frigate Furie
  • Sidney J. Furie (born 1933), Canadian film director

Usage examples of "furie".

The Musicke beganne vppon a sodayne with a rare inuention to sound a charge with a pleasaunt concord, participating togeather a sweete and thundering melodie, hauing in it a deuine furie.

Did euer any king or Prince witting and waring, suffer such a kinde of trafike which should make his enemie ouer mightie, and though hee did not disfurnish himselfe, yet shoulde leaue himselfe more open vnto his furie, which otherwise were like to be vnarmed and vnable to wage warre against him?

And how Poliphilus there had with madnes almost forgotten himselfe in the passions of desire, but hope did asswage his furie, quieting himselfe in the beholding of the sweete sauour of the faire Nymph.

Wherewith the Souldan all with furie fraught,Swearing, and banning most blasphemously,Commaunded straight his armour to be brought,And mounting straight vpon a charret hye,With yron wheeles and hookes arm'd dreadfully,And drawne of cruell steedes, which he had fedWith flesh of men, whom through fell tyrannyHe slaughtred had, and ere they were halfe ded,Their bodies to his beasts for prouender did spred.

O Hatefull hellish Snake, what furie furstBrought thee from balefull house of Proserpine,Where in her bosome she thee long had nurst,And fostred vp with bitter milke of tine,Fowle Gealosie, that turnest loue diuineTo ioylesse dread, and mak'st the louing hartWith hatefull thoughts to languish and to pine,And feed it selfe with selfe-consuming smart?

Then turning to his Palmer said, Old syreBehold the image of mortalitie,And feeble nature cloth'd with fleshly tyre,When raging passion with fierce tyrannieRobs reason of her due regalitieAnd makes it seruant to her basest part:The strong it weakens with infirmitie,And with bold furie armes the weakest hart.

And there the relicks of the drunken fray,The which amongst the Lapithees befell,And of the bloodie feast, which sent awaySo many Centaures drunken soules to hell,That vnder great Alcides furie fell:And of the dreadfull discord, which did driueThe noble Argonauts to outrage fell:That each of life sought others to depriue,All mindlesse of the Golden fleece, which made them striue.

Ma fu doloroso vedere i suoi occhi stringersi e chiudersi, vedere le lacrime inondarle la guancia proprio come prima, sulla porta d'ingresso, quando era andata su tutte le furie.

Their firie Steedes with so vntamed forseDid beare them both to fell auenges end,That both their speares with pitilesse remorse,Through shield and mayle, and haberieon did wend,And in their flesh a griesly passage rend,That with the furie of their owne affret,Each other horse and man to ground did send.

With her, who so will raging Furor tame,Must first begin, and well her amenage:First her restraine from her reprochfull blame,And euill meanes, with which she doth enrageHer franticke sonne, and kindles his courage,Then when she is withdrawen, or strong withstood,It's eath his idle furie to asswage,And calme the tempest of his passion wood.

Una mezza dozzina di altre furie gli si erano svegliate dentro a dare impeto al suo accanimento.