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n. An old Russian unit of weight, approximately 410 grams.


Funt may refer to:

  • Funt (mass), an obsolete Russian unit equivalent to a pound
  • Allen Funt (1914-1999), American producer-director and creator of Candid Camera
  • Peter Funt, son of Allen Funt, current host of Candid Camera
  • Sitz-Chairman Funt, a fictional character from the novel The Little Golden Calf

Usage examples of "funt".

Nurse Funt had her intravenous machinery tagging hummingly behind her and Dr.

Todt and nurse Elvira Funt a slim, bald, pale-as-straw but highly professional-looking young man in peasoup green rose, a folio under his arm.

Todt, Elvira Funt, the KACH-man, all of them watched him with dismay but no one did or said anything.

Would Alan Funt soon leap out at him, laughing and pointing to that elusive camera?

There is no point in making out customs declarations and weighing poods and funts until we are assured that all of you are admissible.