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FunPlus is a Chinese video and mobile game development company founded in 2010 by CEO Andy Zhong and Yitao Guan, with headquarters in Beijing, China. Specializing on social gaming development and distribution, FunPlus has also offices in San Francisco, U.S.A, and has developed and published several games on Facebook as well as on Apple, Google, and Amazon Store.

Some titles developed and published by FunPlus on Facebook are Family Farm and Royal Story, as well as Family Farm Seaside for mobile devices. The success of these games contributed to raising $12 million in Series A in 2012 and $74 million in Series B in 2014.

According to an interview in 2014 to Chief Strategy Officer Dan Fiden, since its founding in 2010 FunPlus has achieved a yearly double revenue and to date continued to grow in revenue. The company also doubled in size in 2 years, reporting 200 employees in Beijing and 10 in San Francisco in 2014, and 400 employees in Beijing and San Francisco in 2016.

FunPlus appeared on the British media in 2016, after releasing a video made in collaboration with Dutch YouTubers Alexander Spoor and Sacha Harland, where the 2 famous YouTubers let people try organic food without mentioning it is food for birds, dogs and cats: the results of this social experiment showed that people would prefer to eat organic pet food rather than food made for humans, and several people also decided to eat more pet food after being told that it was not food for humans.

After its success developing and publishing its own games on Facebook and mobile, FunPlus decided to invest on publishing games for game startups, and so in 2015 announced the opening of PublishingPlus. Its strategy is to provide game startups with a transparent system for publishing their games worldwide, and full support on game conceptualization and development.