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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Funnel stay

Funnel \Fun"nel\, n. [OE. funel, fonel, prob. through OF. fr, L. fundibulum, infundibulum, funnel, fr. infundere to pour in; in in + fundere to pour; cf. Armor. founil funnel, W. ffynel air hole, chimney. See Fuse, v. t.]

  1. A vessel of the shape of an inverted hollow cone, terminating below in a pipe, and used for conveying liquids or pourable solids into a vessel with a narrow opening; a tunnel.

  2. A passage or avenue for a fluid or flowing substance; specifically, a smoke flue or pipe; the iron chimney of a steamship or the like.

    Funnel box (Mining), an apparatus for collecting finely crushed ore from water.

    Funnel stay (Naut.), one of the ropes or rods steadying a steamer's funnel.

Usage examples of "funnel stay".

Booth's back registered extreme outrage, then he made a flying leap for a funnel stay, grabbed it, swung like an agile monkey, with only touch of his foot, down to the deck and stalked towards the hatchway with long hurried strides.

He had to look round at the dangling funnel stay to confirm his memory.