Usage examples of "functions".
We may reasonably interpret the functions of the brain, and yet be unable to disclose the duties of any ganglionic corpuscle composing it.
Physiologists assign to the cerebrum its functions, and neurological, as well as phrenological writers, have located them as represented in Fig.
Although vital operations build up these structures, yet the animal and nervous functions are continually disintegrating, or wasting, them.
For example, the functions of the heart require large and powerful muscles, and those of the eye, small and delicate ones.
Nothing very definite is known respecting the functions of this fluid.
The process of its secretion is continuous, but, like all bodily functions, it is subject to influences which augment or retard its activity.
It has distinct functions which are employed in the preservation and continuance of life.
That the cerebrum is the seat of the reasoning powers, and all the higher intellectual functions, is proved by three facts.
There are many difficulties in understanding this relationship, some of which may be obviated by a study of the development of nervous matter, and its functions in the lower orders of organization.
When we ascend to vertebrates, those animals having a backbone, the amount of the nervous substance is greater, the organic functions are more complex, and the actions begin to display intelligence.
This meager reference to brainless animals, whoso knots of ganglia throughout their bodies act automatically as little brains, shows that instinct arises simultaneously with the development of the functions over which it presides.
The psychological functions render the animal nature subservient to the rule of purity and holiness, and deeply influence it by the essential elements of spiritual existence.
The organ representing fear sustains a special relation to the functions of the heart both in health and disease.
As no one has any reason for denying that separate portions of the brain may manifest distinct functions of the mind, we shall assume it as a conceded proposition.
Thus may the existence of the opposing energies and functions of each faculty be equally represented.