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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Functionally \Func"tion*al*ly\, adv. In a functional manner; as regards normal or appropriate activity.

The organ is said to be functionally disordered.


adv. In a functional manner.


adv. with respect to function; "the two units are functionally interdependent"

Usage examples of "functionally".

Much of the material in the short-term store becomes lost - and presumably functionally so, as it is really not biologically adaptive to remember for ever everything that we need to recall for only a few minutes.

Teatro had closed early in June to have put aside more than a few dollars, and he was determined not to have recourse to Miss Marspan, who had already assumed the financial costs involved in keeping Boa functionally alive.

Although the plants in these experiments appeared perfectly healthy, and although both the ovules and pollen of the same flower were perfectly good with respect to other species, yet as they were functionally imperfect in their mutual self-action, we must infer that the plants were in an unnatural state.

It was already known that bees could die from too much stress, and now some claimed that the extensive patrolling of the invaders, the disappearance of monogyny - rule by a single queen - from the mass swarms, or the difficulty of preparing for winter at such a late date had made the bees functionally neurotic and suicidal.

The transnational corporations directly distribute labor power over various markets, functionally allocate resources, and organize hierarchically the various sectors of world production.

The three brains are said to be distinguished neuroanatomically and functionally, and contain strikingly different distributions of the neurochemicals dopamine and cholinesterase.

From infancy to puberty, the body and its individual organs, structurally as well as functionally, are in a state of gradual and progressive evolution.

It is because of this immense number of functionally different configurations of the human brain that no two humans, even identical twins raised together, can ever be really very much alike.

The pituitary is divided into two parts, which {as in the case of the adrenal glands) have no connection with each other functionally.

Only when this has occurred are the chemical elements able to serve the plant functionally.

It's a diagnostic technique that we usually reserve for functionally impaired stroke victims who've got to undergo brain surgery for clot removal or for the repair of a hemorrhaged blood vessel.

Moreover, the idea that a child from a broken and/or functionally illiterate home, without the requisite privacy, quiet, and electric lighting, will succeed at homework is absurd.

And the only thing I have to look forward to, when I reach it, is the dubious care to be rendered by a functionally illiterate technician who was drunk during our last conversation.

Back in the kitchen, the radio alerted her that thirty five million Americans were functionally illiterate and another twenty five million couldn't read at all and she snapped it off, filled a jar to water the plants and spilled it in a lunge for the phone, for a pencil, for anything handy to write on, yes just a minute.

And the illiterate (or the functionally illiterate, since some learn their letters for religious motives but cannot read with any skill) have a vernacular which is held to the conservative mainstream only by the necessity to communicate with the upper classes.