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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A new Central Committee was elected and the Bolshevik faction became a fully-fledged independent party.
▪ David Hartridge had become a fully-fledged pilot and was looked upon as a hero.
▪ Less often admittedly, trainee and fully-fledged dealers at this firm indulged in games not for money.
▪ Pamela stopped, possibly the most outrageous idea she'd ever had popping fully-fledged into her head.
▪ The squall was a prelude to a fully-fledged gale, heralded well in advance by warnings from the meteorologists.
▪ Then you are ready to undertake duties as a fully-fledged subject assessor.

a. 1 (context of a bird English) having all its flight feathers and ready to fly 2 having reached maturity 3 having reached full rank or status

Usage examples of "fully-fledged".

Fully-fledged agoraphobics unable to face the journey to Islington would be unable to attend.

Next up the scale ought to be a burp gun or possibly a fully-fledged machine-gun.

Anyhow, the real crafty advantage of sending a volunteer, is that, if you should not return, as is confidently expected, the military will probably send a fully-fledged expeditionary force to Tsuris, even declare war as they sincerely want to.