n. the supreme commander of a fleet; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral [syn: admiral]
Usage examples of "full admiral".
Stephen knew of old that it was useless to call out against the weakness of mere superstition: no sailor he had ever known, even the most eminent, even a full admiral in all the glory of gold lace, had ever been moved an inch by reason, however eloquent.
Oversteegen said, and if it occurred to him that a full admiral of the red did not normally greet the commander of a mere heavy cruiser quite so enthusiastically, no sign of it showed in his expression or manner as he availed himself of the offer.
And having got thus far, you hoped to stay alive so that you became full admiral by the same process.
Nor did one have to be serving at sea because promotion was automatic: an admiral, be he rear, vice or full admiral, could be retired and drawing a pension for longer than he had served at sea.
Quince said respectfully, since Bili was a full admiral, two grades above him.
Whatever else she might think, she had to admit that Fifth Fleet had been reinforced to a size that amply justified the presence of a full admiral as CO.
It meant that at least he would not have to address her from the towering seniority of a full admiral to a mere commodore.
But here in Yeltsin she carried the rank of a full admiral in the GSN, not to mention the title of Steadholder Harrington.
I'm a full admiral, a fleet commander, a duchess, and a steadholder.
A man with no brains didn't make it to the rank of full admiral, even in the PRH, and trying to pretend otherwise—.
There was no way Matthews could have been unaware of the insult to the First Lord involved in granting that asshole White Haven the rank of a full admiral in their precious Navy.
Her old captain was a full admiral now, but solely because seniority continued to accrue even on half-pay, because that was precisely where he'd been for almost forty years.
A man with no brains didn't make it to the rank of full admiral, even in the PRH, and trying to pretend otherwise, especially with this woman, would be not only stupid but dangerous.
A man with no brains didn't make it to the rank of full admiral, even in the PRH, and trying to pretend otherwise.
He still held the rank of full admiral, but was on an indefinite leave of absence from the Fleet.