Crossword clues for fulfilment
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
n. 1 The act of fulfilling. 2 The state or quality of being fulfilled; completion; realization. 3 The act of consummating a desire or promise. 4 (context business English) The activities performed once an order is received to fulfill the order; packaging, distributing and shipping goods.
n. a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires [syn: fulfillment]
the act of consummating something (a desire or promise etc) [syn: fulfillment]
Usage examples of "fulfilment".
I called at her house, and finding the manager there asked him what security he could give for the fulfilment of his part of the engagement.
In the mean time, she ruined him by making him pay constantly for excellent dinners and suppers, which were eaten by her family, but which did not advance him one inch towards the fulfilment of his wishes.
Sunday light he strode away, his spirit braced by the biting air, the Northern cold, the ragged bloody sky, which was somehow prophetic to him of glorious fulfilment, and at the same time depressed by the grey enormous weight of Sunday tedium and dreariness all around him.
Time onwards had this hour and this fulfilment enchained to them, since the void brought forth its burthen.
She received me with the words that her genius had informed her that I should come to-day, and that she was delighted with the fulfilment of the prophecy.
To bring such a woman into port, even imaginatively in a story, or subconsciously in an inner life, was fulfilment of a big, fine, wholesome yearning, sacred in a way, too.
All-seeing Eye be the centre of many concentric circles, beholding equally in perspective the circumference of each, and for accordance with human periods of time measuring off segments by converging radii: separately marked on each segment of the wheel within wheel, in the way of actual fulfilment, as well as type and antitype, will appear its satisfied word of prophecy, shining onward yet as it becomes more and more final, until time is melted in eternity.
He besought was not indeed fulfilled, because His reason which formed the petition did not desire its fulfilment, but for our instruction, it was His will to make known to us His natural will, and the movement of His sensuality, which was His as man.
It was well that the brother whose appliances warm this house, warmed also our perishless hope, and nerved its grand fulfilment.
If, finally, it be asked, how a system professing to be revealed can substantiate its claim, the answer is, by means of the historical evidences, such as miracles and fulfilment of prophecy.
And of fulfilment of this he was not deprived, for when, some time after the swift gliding of the Pride had given place to a subdued and pulseless motion that was almost retrogressive, she was gradually overhauled by the Lass, it was noticed that she too was running at less than half-speed.
His endless reaming of her sex and the constant stimulation of her clitoris drove her wild with the need for fulfilment, until unbelievably she found herself screaming out loud, urging him on.
Beauchene works and entering the service of the Credit National, where he would speedily rise to a high and lucrative position, his hope too of giving Reine a big dowry and marrying her off to advantage--all the ambitious dreams of rank and wealth in which his wife and he had indulged, now showed no likelihood of fulfilment, since it seemed probable that Valerie might again have a child.
Here was the fulfilment men plot and swink for: and how different from crude anticipation.
In its fulfilment, you shall give what orders may be necessary, so that care may be taken of those men at the port of Acapulco and so that all proper facilities and despatch may be accorded them.