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The was a subsect of the Buddhist Nichiren sect founded by Buddhist priest Nichiō and outlawed in 1669. Although ferociously persecuted for over two centuries for refusing obedience to authorities, it survived and was again legalized in 1876. Later, the subsect itself split in two over a theological question. The two splinters are Okayama's and .

Its name refers to , a dogma allegedly by Nichiren himself that stated that nothing could be received (不受, of Fuju) or given (不施, or Fuse) to those of other religions, and that it was wrong to even sit with a priest of another sect. The Fuju-fuse-ha alleged to be the only subsect to follow Fuju-fuse-gi to the letter. The other subsects of Nichiren-shu, however, argued that the Niike Gosho where the term Fuju-fuse-gi appears was a forgery.