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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fuddle \Fud"dle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fuddled; p. pr. & vb. n. Fuddling.] [Perh. formed as a kind of dim. of full. Cf. Fuzzle.] To make foolish by drink; to cause to become intoxicated.

I am too fuddled to take care to observe your orders.


vb. (present participle of fuddle English)

Usage examples of "fuddling".

With the view fuddling his concentration, it took him a full thirty seconds to fit his key in the ignition.

But that sentry was fuddling himself with a vile spirit distilled from the gentian flower in the kitchen of “The White Chamois.

The jollity increased when someone else brought out a three-merry-boys fuddling cup, a trio of mugs whose bodies were joined and whose handles were interlinked so that they had to be emptied simultaneously to prevent spillage.