vb. (present participle of fuck up English)
Usage examples of "fucking up".
The needle is dipped in the ink and jabbed as deep into the tattooee as it can be jabbed without making him recoil and fucking up your aim.
Doc says the cables were coated with some kind of carcinogenic, and it's fucking up the rapid regrowth.
I'm just sick of asshole carpetbaggers coming down here and fucking up the place.
You fellas were fucking up opportunities, big time, and I got tired of waiting.
Now he was fucking up Randy's life by calling upon Randy to jump up on the table, throw off his homespun cloak, and whip out his two-handed ax.
On his one stateside run, Wayne periodically spot-tailed the pushers & determined that they weren't skimming or fucking up other ways.
May you personally get syphilis of the brain and the dick, you Commie cocksucker, for fucking up our beautiful Nacional Hotel.
I just want you to know that you can't go on fucking up people and animals like this and dodging your responsibilities.
I think maybe you're a worthless, ungrateful, lying piece of shit who wouldn't think twice about fucking up her life by fucking around with some gutter boy from Trash Town.
They had all seen him on TV down the years, although obviously not on his own network: sentience tended to interfere with reception of the Christian Family Channel, perhaps the CFC most guilty of fucking up the atmosphere.
At the same time he had begun to understand the great principle that moved the universe, at least that part of the universe which had to do with careers and success: you found the crazy guy who was running around inside of you, fucking up your life.