FTO is a three letter acronym which can stand for:
- Mitsubishi FTO, (Fresh Touring Origination) a sports coupe produced by Mitsubishi Motors
- FTO gene, a gene which appears to be correlated with obesity in humans
- Field Training Officer, an experienced member of an organization who is responsible for the training of a junior member
- U.S. State Department list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, a list of non-US organizations designated as terrorist by the United States Secretary of State
- Freedom to operate, the limits of commercial activity which do not infringe upon others' intellectual property rights
- Fluorine-doped tin oxide (SnO:F), a transparent conducting oxide
- Flexible Time Off, vacation time
- Flight Training Organisation, teaching pilots (commercial or hobbyists) to fly
- FTO engineering, Final Take Over. Project phase usually associated with payments.