Crossword clues for frum
a. (lb en Judaism) pious, observant; committed to obeying all the laws of Judaism roman. (got-romanization of:
Frum ( Yiddish ; [frum | frim]), meaning "devout" or "pious", is a Yiddish adjective. To be frum means to be committed to the observance of Jewish religious law that often exceeds the bare requirements of Halakha, the collective body of Jewish religious laws. This not only includes the careful study of Torah, daily prayers, observing Shabbat and kashrut, and performing deeds of loving-kindness but also many more customs and khumrot. Khumrot are prohibitions or obligations in Jewish life that exceed the requirements of Halakha; some khumrot became customs in some communities over time, e.g. daily ritual immersion in a mikveh in Hasidic Judaism or kapparot in Haredi Judaism.
Someone who is frum is known as a frum Jew, a frummer ("pious one", related to German "ein Frommer") or frummie ( Yinglish diminutive "pious one"). These appellations are generally, but not only, applied to Hasidic and Orthodox Judaism, and used by some members of these groups as a self-reference.
To follow a frum path in life implies the constant maintenance of an awareness of God by following spiritual practice as a makhmir, meaning "taking the stricter position on an issue". In this way, the Ashkenazi frum-culture is variously seen as a precaution against transgressing the Halakha or as a way of keeping those who have taken on the stringency separate from those who have not.
In Ashkenazi Orthodox communities, the Yinglish initialism "FFB," meaning "Frum From Birth," is often used to refer to a person who was born into a religiously observant family and has maintained this lifestyle.
In the Ashkenazi community the adjective frei (Yiddish and German "free") is used as an appellation by Jews with a secular background or by those that adhere to non-Orthodox denominations. A person who calls himself "frei" means one who is less religious and free from the observance of Halakha that exceeds the baseline requirement, or one who is not religiously observant and feels "frei" to do whatever one feels like doing.
Frum is a surname that may refer to: Meaning: pious, observant ( Yiddish)
Barbara Frum, Canadian journalist, mother of David and Linda Frum
- Barbara Frum (TV series)
- Danielle Frum, wife of David Frum
- David Frum, a political commentator and journalist, son of Barbara Frum
- John Frum, a figure associated with cargo cults on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu
- Linda Frum, a Canadian journalist, daughter of Barbara Frum
Usage examples of "frum".
Richard Perle and former Bush speechwriter David Frum and published in 2003, expressed a greater or lesser degree of embittered hostility not just to the Muslim world, but to Russia, China, the United Nations and every country or institution which had in any way questioned or resisted the United States over war with Iraq.
Perle and Frum as characteristic of the American security establishment as a whole, let alone the American people.
Levin, who was frum, Chassid, a reader and quoter of the Talmud, and also the biggest pain in the .
Ameriky frum the time when the Mayflowers cum over in the Pilgrim and brawt Plymouth Rock with them, but every skool boy nose our kareer has been tremenjis.
I perdict frum ther geological formation o' this nest an' a dream I hed last night, thet thar's sum uv ther biggest veins right in this yere valley as ye'll find in ther Hills!
An’ now his ma, Ole Miss Butler, she come frum Cha’ston fer de fune’l an’ Miss Suellen an’ Mist’ Will, dey come frum Tara, but Mist’ Rhett woan talk ter none of dem.