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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fruitless \Fruit"less\, a.

  1. Lacking, or not bearing, fruit; barren; destitute of offspring; as, a fruitless tree or shrub; a fruitless marriage.

  2. Productive of no advantage or good effect; vain; idle; useless; unprofitable; as, a fruitless attempt; a fruitless controversy.

    They in mutual accusation spent The fruitless hours.

    Syn: Useless; barren; unprofitable; abortive; ineffectual; vain; idle; profitless. See Useless. -- Fruit"less*ly, adv. -- Fruit"lness*ness, n.


adv. In a fruitless manner


adv. in an unproductive manner [syn: unproductively, unprofitably] [ant: productively, productively, productively]

Usage examples of "fruitlessly".

The idea of returning to enter into daily competition with other underpaid, overdriven drudges striving fruitlessly to apply a dilute coating of culture to the unresponsive surface of unwilling students was abhorrent.

Suzanne sulkily, when they had pushed their way fruitlessly through half a dozen departments.

Would the mention of her name unlock the door of his memory, that door that he had tried so desperately but fruitlessly to open?

He frowned down at his equipment after working with it fruitlessly for a moment or so.

According to Dupont, this hyperidrosis was independent of any other affection, and after having been combated fruitlessly by various remedies, yielded at last to fluid extract of aconitin.

Each day she read until her eyes were tired, avoided her father, the Prince, and the Invigilator, none of whom would look at her anyhow, talked to the men on board, the ones who would talk, until she knew all their life stories intimately, played cards with the baby-tender or with Aufors, and at night, tried fruitlessly to sleep.

She decided that she had spent all of that precious time in the company of idiots, fools, and crooks, listening to their harebrained or sociopathic plans and dreams, searching fruitlessly for nuggets of wisdom and interest in their boobish or psychotic stories.

Augustus tried fruitlessly to limit the height of Roman city insulae to one hundred feet.

Augustus tried fruitlessly to limit the height of Roman city insulae to 100 feet.

She knelt on the cold tiled floor thinking how dirty it probably was, even as she heaved a third time, fruitlessly, and spat the foul bile out of her mouth into the bowl where it joined the remnants of half a toasted bagel and some weak tea.

One moment he was trying fruitlessly to sleep on the straw bed the chimaera provided, and the next it was broad daylight and he was looking up at an orange sky with whippy yellow clouds.

Neither in the Scriptures nor in nature could the least justification for any of these absurd ideas be foundso Belam and the other Defenders had argued, indefatigably but fruitlessly trying to change Onadroig's mind during the seven years' imprisonment that had preceded his burning as an incorrigible heretic.

He wondered how the bobbies who weren't on the fast track could bear the prospect of week after week of pounding pavements, guarding crime scenes and, like today, tramping fruitlessly through inhospitable countryside.

It came on a gorgeous drop shot that brought one of the players, a stocky blond, lunging fruitlessly to the net.

Lights swept the flats and lit plumes of steam, fruitlessly seeking movement.