a. (archaic form of fruitful English)
Usage examples of "fruitfull".
For so have all writers in times past employed their travell and labours, that their posterity might receive some fruitfull profit by the same.
For after the hore-frost, ensued the hot and temperat sun, whereby the little birds weening that the spring time had bin come, did chirp and sing in their steven melodiously : the mother of stars, the parent of times, and mistres of all the world : The fruitfull trees rejoyced at their fertility : The barren and sterill were contented at their shadow, rendering sweete and pleasant shrills !
Within, without, they are a field of tares: Fruitfuller for them when the contest squares, And wherefore warrior service they must yield, Shines visible as life on either field.
Only the rooted knowledge to high sense Of heavenly can mount, and feel the spur For fruitfullest advancement, eye a mark Beyond the path with grain on either hand, Help to the steering of our social Ark Over the barbarous waters unto land.
As he that striues to stop a suddein flood,And in strong banckes his violence enclose,Forceth it swell aboue his wonted mood,And largely ouerflow the fruitfull plaine,That all the countrey seemes to be a Maine,And the rich furrowes flote, all quite fordonne:The wofull husbandman doth lowd complaine,To see his whole yeares labour lost so soone,For which to God he made so many an idle boone.
But Cambell still more strong and greater grew,Ne felt his blood to wast, ne powres emperisht,Through that rings vertue, that with vigour new,Still when as he enfeebled was, him cherisht,And all his wounds, and all his bruses guarisht,Like as a withered tree through husbands toyleIs often seene full freshly to haue florisht,And fruitfull apples to haue borne awhile,As fresh as when it first was planted in the soyle.
Right in the middest of that Paradise,There stood a stately Mount, on whose round topA gloomy groue of mirtle trees did rise,Whose shadie boughes sharpe steele did neuer lop,Nor wicked beasts their tender buds did crop,But like a girlond compassed the hight,And from their fruitfull sides sweet gum did drop,That all the ground with precious deaw bedight,Threw forth most dainty odours, & most sweet delight.
Then doth the dædale earth throw forth to theeOut of her fruitfull lap aboundant flowres,And then all liuing wights, soone as they seeThe spring breake forth out of his lusty bowres,They all doe learne to play the Paramours.