Crossword clues for frugally
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Frugally \Fru"gal*ly\, adv. Thriftily; prudently.
adv. In a frugal manner
adv. in a frugal manner; "in villages, the new pipeline marks the end of water as a precious liquid, to be dispensed frugally, weighed out drop by drop"
Usage examples of "frugally".
In that way he is compelled not only to live frugally himself, but what is more disagreeable still, to subject his household to the live in the humblest style in a costly and fashionable city, into which wealthy persons are coming from all parts of the country.
Greybeards pulled rickshas, pushed wheelbarrows of coal and wood to bakeries and palaces, strained their backs until the muscles stood forth like ropes and they pushed and pulled the heavy carts of merchandise over the cobbled roads, ate frugally of their scanty food, slept their brief nights out, and were silent.
As part of it, they lived The Evening News 393 frugally while Minh saved and invested most of his substantial CBA pay, his econornies so obvious that among colleagues a rumor now existed that Minh was a millionaire.
Touching hospitality, there was never any greater used in England, sith by reason that marriage is permitdted to him that will choosed that kind of life, their meat and drink is more orderly and frugally dressed, their furniture of household more convenient and better looked unto, and the poor oftener fed generally than heretofore they have been, when only a few bishops and double or treble beneficed men did make good cheer at Christimas only or otherwise kept great houses for the entertainment of the rich, which did often see and visit them.
Whereof there were a dozen in that house Fit to be stewards of both rent and land Of any lord in England who would stand Upon his own and live in manner good, In honour, debtless (save his head were wood), Or live as frugally as he might desire.
He had enjoyed the conjugal visit with his precious first wife, who bore his need for Florie's money and social position stoically and lived frugally on the money Maybrick provided for her.
He lived frugally in a two-room suite in the Riverside Inn, where he acted as house physician for the aging guests during the winter season.
He lived simply, some would say frugally, in his rooms eight levels up from where he now waited.
The money hidden in the petrol tank was enough to live on frugally for about four months and, if it became necessary, selling the Honda could extend my sojourn.
Every penny he earned through the sale of the sorghum molasses he pressed was spent frugally and wisely.