n. 1 (label en US) A yard to the front of a house or similar residence, typically having a lawn and often trees, shrubs, and/or flowers. 2 (label en UK) A enclosed and often primarily utilitarian area to the front of a house or similar residence, typically having a hard surface or paving.
n. the yard in front of a house; between the house and the street
On a residential block of land a front yard ( United States, Canada, Australia) or front garden ( United Kingdom, Europe) or front lawn is the portion of land between the street and the front of the house, a type of yard.
Usage examples of "front yard".
The sun, he noticed, had climbed higher in the sky, but out in his front yard it was still forenoon.
It was hidden from the street by two low-limbed sycamores in the front yard and by an overgrown oleander hedge covered in pink and white flowers.
The front yard was a seething mass of grandchildren, male and female.
And the minute she saw the dress and shoes sitting in the front yard, she broke water.
Dawn changed Marnie and put her playpen in the front yard near the sidewalk.
When she reached her house she pounded across the small front yard and to the front door.
The most I had to do, was, to drive up the cows in the evening, to keep the front yard clean, and to perform small errands for my young mistress, Lucretia Auld.
Japanese roses might be too big for his front yard, but they would make a very good fence in the fields.
Tom and Jupiter went quietly out into the big front yard and sat on the steps between the two huge urns.