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from head to toe

adv. at all points from head to foot; "he was armed cap-a-pie" [syn: cap-a-pie]

Usage examples of "from head to toe".

I ask for a subject from the audience and then go through his body from head to toe giving my findings.

The young man was breathing hard and filthy from head to toe, but he slapped his breastplate in a sort of abbreviated salute.

She gave him the cop once-over from head to toe, taking in the mussed hair, the gray skin, the bags sagging under bloodshot eyes.

He was bigger than any man in the village, his hair and beard were wild and tangled, and the yellow dust that covered him from head to toe gave him the appearance of an incredibly stupid lion.

We were both dressed as women, covered from head to toe by our saris, but I was looking much lumpier under mine due to Kali's extra arms and garland of severed heads, played tonight by painted sheep bladders filled with explosives and suspended around my neck by long strands of elephant tail hair.

Only when I had climbed up beside him did I see that he was shaking from head to toe.

All of them were splashed from head to toe in mud, and Sean stood in cold, thigh-deep water that rose nearly to the Pardalians’.

Sandy was splashed from head to toe in blood, and her eyes still smoked as she rounded on him.

He scanned her from head to toe, noting the slippers clutched in her hands.

He looked back at Nicolson, inspected him from head to toe, wincing as he saw the cuts and savage burns on his chief officer's legs and forearms.

It had been more like menace, for his gaze had seared her from head to toe and his hands beside her head had curled into fists.

The adults were standing separately around the space while tiny helicopters flew around them, wrapping them from head to toe in strips of webbing like human maypoles.