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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Frigid zone

Frigid \Frig"id\, a. [L. frigidus, fr. frigere to be cold; prob. akin to Gr. ? to shudder, or perh. to ? cold. Cf. Frill.]

  1. Cold; wanting heat or warmth; of low temperature; as, a frigid climate.

  2. Wanting warmth, fervor, ardor, fire, vivacity, etc.; unfeeling; forbidding in manner; dull and unanimated; stiff and formal; as, a frigid constitution; a frigid style; a frigid look or manner; frigid obedience or service.

  3. Wanting natural heat or vigor sufficient to excite the generative power; impotent.

    Frigid zone, that part of the earth which lies between either polar circle and its pole. It extends 23? 28? from the pole. See the Note under Arctic.

frigid zone

n. Either of two zones of the Earth that lie between the poles and either the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle

Frigid zone

Usage examples of "frigid zone".

They were up there now, ninety-seven bodies, around a thousand pounds each, neatly laid out in the frigid zone.

My knowledge of the efforts that had been made by countless expeditions to explore that unknown land bade me to caution, for never had flier returned who had passed to any considerable distance beyond the mighty ice-barrier that fringes the southern hem of the frigid zone.

The carriages in the streets are few, and other late sounds in that neighborhood there are none, unless a man so very nomadically drunk as to stray into the frigid zone goes brawling and bellowing along the pavement.