Crossword clues for fridays
Fridays is the name of ABC's weekly late-night live comedy show, which aired on Friday nights from April 11, 1980 to April 23, 1982.
Usage examples of "fridays".
Philby and Angleton, nocked to a Georgetown watering hole for lunch most Fridays.
Time ambushed them on Mondays, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, regular as clockwork.
By taking the train from Alexandria to Lynchburg, Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays, you will reach there the same afternoon, about four P.
In fact, the Wests probably knew far more about her than even she suspected, for her visits to Cromwell Street on Fridays were not her only contact with the West family.
The colliers of the five pits were paid on Fridays, but not individually.
At Devlen the pels stood just back of the open and covered tilting courts and the archery ranges, and thither those lads not upon household duty were marched every morning excepting Fridays and Sundays, and were there exercised under the direction of Sir James Lee and two assistants.
Most of its inhabitants continued attending the church Sundays, the men continued themselves reuniting in the Elk Club the first Fridays of every month, and the vacations of summer were continued celebrating traditional in the same way.
There is also a big before and after photo, on the left a young man in chinos who a market researcher might put in the B2 socio-economic group, self-employed graphic designer or something similar, and on the right the young man is now done up as a woman from a Bradford council estate who has had a hard life on account of her daughter being pregnant and on crack and who sings at the Trades and Labour Club on Fridays to keep her spirits up.
A helpful voice at the number she called informed her that the bookmobile made stops on Mondays and Fridays, and, when Diana explained what she wanted, told her she would have to visit the central library in the county seat.
I was in a situation, six pounds a year and my chances with Fridays out and I had to leave owing to his carryings on.
On Fridays when congregants ask him where Aaron is, he tells them his son is trying out a different temple.
The leather pants, red ankle boots, and the spaghetti strap halter weren't too far from what I usually wore on casual Fridays to tick off my boss, but put them on a street corner at night….
Four pairs of gray suits and a Hawaiian shirt he wore on casual Fridays.
Dougherty's creative writing class meets on Tuesdays and Fridays in what used to be a teachers' lounge.
Not counting Holy week, Sundays, holy days of obligation, first Fridays, retreats, sacrifices, and cyclical impediments, her effective year was reduced to forty-two days that were spread out through a web of purple crosses.