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fresh start

n. (context idiomatic English) A new beginning, without prejudices.

fresh start

n. an opportunity to start over without prejudice [syn: clean slate, tabula rasa]

Fresh Start

Fresh Start was a grouping within the British Conservative Party opposed to the Maastricht Treaty. It was founded by Michael Spicer and its members included Bill Cash, James Cran, Christopher Gill and Roger Knapman. In the mid-1990s over fifty Conservative MPs were members.

They organised votes against John Major's government and in all they voted against the government 985 times and abstained 1,515 times in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the Maastricht Treaty being ratified.

Fresh Start (detergent)

Fresh Start was the first powdered detergent to come in a plastic bottle. It was also one of the first detergents to be highly concentrated, before all detergents went concentrated.

Fresh Start was a product of the Colgate-Palmolive company and was introduced in the late '70s. In 2005, Colgate-Palmolive sold the North American rights for Fresh Start to Phoenix Brands. The target audience of Fresh Start was mainly active women. Advertisements from that time also depict active women having fun without worrying about laundry.

Fresh Start (album)

Fresh Start is the first studio album by Ryan Stevenson. Gotee Records released the album on September 18, 2015.

Usage examples of "fresh start".

Short and wide he seemed, he took a fresh start and made it across the brickyard, the other two, sort of long and thin, just behind him.

Berlin has requested the release of any personnel who are surplus to requirements, fighting fit and eager for a fresh start.

Besides assuring our collection of a happy future, the transaction would pay for our immigration and leave us with a good sum to make a fresh start in Canada (though now, when I think of it, the sum is laughable—.

It would have been bad enough anyway, after Compass Rose, to make the fresh start and get geared up again.