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n. (alternative spelling of free running English)


Freerunning (or free running/FR) is an acrobatic and athletic discipline founded by Sébastien Foucan, who wrote a book on the subject. Foucan started what he termed "freerunning" in 2003, which he developed as a more inclusive form of parkour. Parkour's development from military obstacle course training gives it and freerunning some aspects of a non-combative martial art. Freerunning is a version of parkour that includes acrobatic moves that are purely aesthetic, most practitioners do this art fluidly. Freerunning may also include some Tricking.

Usage examples of "freerunning".

Bird knew his business, Bird had spent thirty years in the Belt, doing things the hard way, and Ben had had it figured from the time he was 14 that you never got anywhere working for the company if you weren’t in the executive track or if you weren’t a senior pilot: he had never had the connections for the one and he hadn’t the reflexes for the other, so freerunning was the choice… where he was working only for himself and where what you knew made the difference.

The company hadn’t been happy to see an Institute lad go off freerunning, instead of slaving in its offices or working numbers for some company miner, and most Institute brats wouldn’t have had the nerve to do what he’d done: skimp and save and live in the debtor barracks, and then bet every last dollar on a freerunner’s outfitting.