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a. move freely, as a river or traffic.

Usage examples of "free-flowing".

Still tumbling uncontrollably downslope, arms and legs flailing in a feeble attempt to halt his plunge, he caught a quick, wild glimpse of the free-flowing creek the ascension of the rapidly rising browsers had exposed.

His skull was cc brown wig, the free-flowing ringlets hat best described as a porkpie, the favor the raccoon-coated collegiates of the twenties.

Actually the word Matabele seems to have acquired colonial connections since independence " Their talk ranged on easily, relaxed and free-flowing, so that it was with a start of surprise that Craig realized that they were almost the last party left in the restaurant and that the waiter was hovering with the bill.

The cabin walls and furnishings receded to specks in the distance, then swam around him, huge menacing free-flowing shapes.

The foyer was spacious and striking, with light and free-flowing modern designs interplaying in a harmony of colors and motion.

It meant that because of the blockages, the excessive free-flowing blood had nowhere to go and nowhere to return to - Venous occlusions', Muriel called that effect - so massive swellings and leakages occurred all over the body.

Perfectly smooth and free-flowing, the microcapsules rolled virtually without friction and would not acquire electrostatic charges mat might make them cling to objects on which they alighted, enabling secondary dissemination of the agent in breezes kicked up by weather, the wings of birds, or the tires of a Mack semi whipping down the interstate.

He let his nose test the scents, catching the mixture of free-flowing air, overlaid with the scent of shambletowners and their excrement, and the faint hint of omnipresent rat.

This was not the free-flowing, action-dictated environment of an Island, where the idiosyncrasies of organic growth directed the kind of changes that flaunted individuality.

The 120-degree scan of curved wall available to each of them flashed with data in numerous modes - pictorially in the spying screens, as probability function in mathematical read-outs, as depth-module decision analogues, as superiorinferior unit apportionments pictured in free-flowing pyramids, as visual reports reduced to cubed grids of binaries according to relative values, as motivational curves weighted for actionreaction and presented in flowing green lines.

The 120-degree scan of curved wall available to each of them flashed with data in numerous modes -- pictorially in the spying screens, as probability function in mathematical read-outs, as depth-module decision analogues, as superior/inferior unit apportionments pictured in free-flowing pyramids, as visual reports reduced to cubed grids of binaries according to relative values, as motivational curves weighted for action/reaction and presented in flowing green lines .