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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Freaking \Freak"ing\, a. Freakish. [Obs.]


Freak \Freak\ (fr[=e]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Freaked (fr[=e]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. Freaking.] [Akin to OE. frakin, freken, freckle, Icel. freknur, pl., Sw. fr["a]kne, Dan. fregne, Gr. perkno`s dark-colored, Skr. p[.r][,c]ni variegated. Cf. Freckle, Freck.] To variegate; to checker; to streak. [R.]

Freaked with many a mingled hue.

  1. 1 (context euphemistic slang vulgar chiefly US English) fucking. 2 (context obsolete English) freakish adv. (context euphemistic vulgar slang US English) fucking. n. (cx dated English) A streak or variegation in a pattern. v

  2. (present participle of freak English)


Freaking and similar may refer to:

  • Freaking or grinding, a type of partner dance where two or more individuals gyrate their bodies against each other
  • Freaking, a minced oath substitute euphemism for "fucking"
  • Phreaking, manipulating telephone systems

Usage examples of "freaking".

Or, gee, maybe because he's a freaking werewolf, Harry, and someone caught on to it and wanted him dead.

I still can't figure why the ghosts seem to be freaking out all at once—and we haven't been able to get any of them to hold still long enough for me to get a good look at them.

Guardian spells all over the world would be freaking out, alerting the Gatekeeper and the Council of something like that.

My hand throbbed, where Mab had driven the freaking letter opener through it.

I mean, when you think about it, jet travel is pretty freaking remarkable.

You're wealthy, you've got connections, and you're a freaking vampire.

I mean, hell, he was the lord of the freaking nation of sexual predators, and even weakened and hampered by my mother's curse, he had been able to take apart Murphy's psychic and emotional defenses.

The platform was a circle perhaps ten feet across, and inside of it was a thaumaturgic triangle, an equilateral shape within the ring of the circle used in most ritual magic because it was easier for amateurs to draw a freaking triangle than a pentacle or a Star of Solomon.

Two fucked-up, angry men, one of them—him—accustomed to working alone, first cousin to the devil, and the other a freaking Boy Scout, a former Navy SEAL.

He slumped, hunched, contracted—whatever he did, it was freaking effective.

And it doesn’t occur to you that might be something I’d need to know, so when you keeled over I’d at least have a half a freaking clue?

And his brain hurt from having to be on super high awareness whenever he was around Tess, which was turning out to be every freaking minute of every flipping hour.

It no doubt looked freaking realistic, because it felt unbelievably real.

If he said the storm would freaking abate by four, Jimmy should probably take it as gospel.

I come back here”—thank God Leo’s men hadn’t followed him then—“and Leo the freaking Claw toddles off to see his business partner and says, ‘Yo, yo, yo, I think I’ve found Bashir’s missing girl, but I’m a little understaffed.