Crossword clues for frays
Usage examples of "frays".
Even if frays saw the play and found it profane, it would take several days to get a messenger to Puebla and back with permission to close it.
Some of the priests and frays, however, clearly disdained that creed, clerics who rode in on horseback, wore shirts of fine linen and stockings of silk, whose monasteries were wealthy haciendas run by slave labor, and who lived like kings on the backs and sweat of the indio peĆ³ns they had ostensibly come to save.
It might have been a pleasant respite if the frays, seated on a log, had not struck up a conversation with priest inquisitors.
I was immediately taken for an indio or mestizo servant to the frays and as such was of no more interest to them than our mule.
Before returning to the encampment of the frays, I again sought the Healer, in search of my money.
Other than the frays, I had known few people, beside myself, who could write their name!
As usual, frays showed up, walking past the admission taker as if they were invisible.
One of the frays pushed me, and I stumbled into the cell, splashing in water up to my knees before my outstretched hands found a wall for support.
The two frays, wearing what I had come to think of as demon robes, assisted me to the torture room.
Two frays were examining her, and I could see that they had spread her legs and were using an instrument to see if she was a virgin.
I screamed obscenities at the frays and resisted the gag they tried to put on my mouth.
Then it leaned forward, leaned further, and fell on its face, disappearing from Gil's sight below the level of frays and vines, striking the deck with a loud clang.
Ensign Rom came charging across the frays and past him, trampling the crop unheedingly, to hurl himself at the wall.
The rapid-response team's denunciations of the Frays are starting to blend with earlier denunciations of Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Linda Tripp, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, the Travel Office employees, and Elian's "Miami relatives.
He had been Gillian's opponent in countless court room frays, and he had emerged from these battlefields a sadder but never a wiser man.