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n. (plural of frau English)


In Roman mythology, Fraus was the goddess or personification of treachery and fraud.

She was daughter of Orcus and Night ( Nyx). She was depicted with a woman's face, the body of a snake, and on her tail the sting of a scorpion.

She was a helper of Mercury. Her Greek equivalent was Apate.

Fraus (genus)

Fraus is a genus of moths of the family Hepialidae. There are 25 described species, all endemic to Australia.

Usage examples of "fraus".

Her eyes were blue like Agatha Derlichts, but where the Fraus eyes were like ice on a frozen pond in the dead of winter, hers were like a summer sky on a warm afternoon.

Her excitement, if any, over the prospect of lunch with seven pilots and their fraus may not have been great.

Besides, the Fraus weren't apt to be friendly in public, where the neighbors could see them.