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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
fraternal twin
▪ The fraternal spirit seems to be declining in relations between our churches.
▪ Identical twins, clearly, are far more concordant in general than are fraternal twins.
▪ Little fraternal love existed between these two clandestine arms of government.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fraternal \Fra*ter"nal\, a.[F. fraternel, LL. fraternalis, fr. L. fraternus, fr. frater brother. See Brother.] Of, pertaining to, or involving, brethren; becoming to brothers; brotherly; as, fraternal affection; a fraternal embrace. -- Fra*ter"nal*ly, adv.

An abhorred, a cursed, a fraternal war.

Fraternal love and friendship.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Old French fraternel "brotherly, fraternal," and directly from Medieval Latin fraternalis, from Latin fraternus "friendly, closely allied," literally "brotherly" (see fraternity). The noun meaning "fraternal twin" is recorded by 1911.


a. 1 Of brothers (''fraternal twins''). 2 Related through a brother (''fraternal nephew''). 3 In need of a brother or sister or friend. 4 Like brothers (''fraternal cousins''). 5 Brotherly, befitting or of a brother or brothers. 6 Friendly or brotherly (e.g. ''fraternal relations'' between socialist parties in different countries). 7 Being or of a society of men linked in brotherly union (''''). 8 platonic (as ''fraternal love'' - brotherly love).

  1. adj. of or relating to a fraternity or society of usually men; "a fraternal order"

  2. (of twins) derived from two separate fertilized ova; "fraternal twins are biovular" [syn: biovular] [ant: identical]

  3. like or characteristic of or befitting a brother; "brotherly feelings"; "close fraternal ties" [syn: brotherly, brotherlike] [ant: sisterly]


Fraternal may refer to:

  • Fraternal organization, an organized society of men associated together in an environment of companionship and brotherhood, dedicated to the intellectual, physical, and social development of its members
  • Fraternal correction, the admonishing of one's neighbor by a private individual with the purpose of reforming or, if possible, preventing the neighbor's sinful indulgence
  • Fraternal party, a political party officially affiliated with another, often larger and/or international, political party or governmental party
  • Fraternal Day, a legal holiday in the state of Alabama in the United States

Usage examples of "fraternal".

Perhaps the Angels will one day follow the Freemasons into bourgeois senility, but by then some other group will be making outrage headlines: a Hovercraft gang, or maybe some once-bland fraternal group tooling up even now for whatever the future might force on them.

In deep and natural fraternal affection, which is more powerful when mellowed by virtue, Pere Augustin saw the hand of death making each day new traces on the frame of Alvira.

Indra, from the meanest worm to the supreme Buddha, constitute one fraternal race, by the unavoidable effects of the law of retribution constantly interchanging their residences in a succession of rising and sinking existences, ranging through all the earths, heavens, and hells of the universe, bound by the terrible links of merit and demerit in the phantasmagoric dungeon of births and deaths.

The fraternal love, the delight beaming upon those two beautiful faces, with a slight shade of confusion on that of the sister, the pure joy shining in the midst of their tender caresses, the most eloquent exclamations followed by a still more eloquent silence, their loving looks which seem like flashes of lightning in the midst of a dew of tears, a thought of politeness which brings blushes on her countenance, when she recollects that she has forgotten her duty towards a nobleman whom she sees for the first time, and finally there was my part, not a speaking one, but yet the most important of all.

Si Hedges collect any weapons the others might have, but the fraternal air between Hedges and the others discouraged the idea.

Lord teaches most explicitly in the Gospel that sins which have been forgiven return, when fraternal charity ceases, in the example of the servant from whom his master exacted the payment of the debt already forgiven, because he had refused to forgive the debt of his fellow-servant.

A common agricultural interest unites us in a common policy, and the hand that sows seeds of dissension between us will find, if they spring from the ground, that the foot of fraternal intercourse will tread them back to earth.

He realized then that those towers had been built as eyries for the Winged Ones, that all Vruun, like Anshan, had been built to house this incredible fraternal mingling of species!

If the Donnelly family had not been accustomed, in former days, to sit at the same table with laborers in shirt-sleeves, and be addressed by the latter in fraternal phrase, no little awkwardnesses or hesitations betrayed the fact.

Our Soviet Union is a fraternal union, but how many Cains there are still in our society, just think for a moment!

There are deaf social clubs, national magazines, local newspapers, fraternal organizations, insurance companies, athletic competitions, colleges, beauty pageants, theater groups, even deaf street gangs.

Those that remain have turned into fraternal organizations rather than battalions in class warfare.

He took a ceremonious leave of the Crow chieftain, and his vagabond warriors, and according to previous arrangements, consigned to their cherishing friendship and fraternal adoption, their worthy confederate Rose.

An entire chapter of a fraternal organization was charged with drunk and disorderly conduct as well as causing grievous bodily harm during a fracas in one of the uptown restaurants.

You tell me that our Fraternal Socialist Comrades in the German Democratic Republic were working not only to make their own atomic bombs, but also hydrogen bombs?