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Franco-Columbians are French Canadians or French-speaking Canadians ( Francophones) living in the Canadian province of British Columbia.

British Columbia is, geographically, the farthest-removed province from Canada's historic francophone population, thus it is not surprising to find that francophone British Columbians are few in number. The 2001 census placed the number of British Columbians with French as a mother tongue at 57,280, 1.3% of BC's population, ranking seventh after English (3,062,430), 'other Chinese' (357,865), Cantonese (133,245), Punjabi (94,055), German (73,625), and Tagalog (66,120). A good number of these listed francophones would be European and African immigrants or migrants from eastern Canada making the Franco-Columbian community a diverse one encompassing many places of origin and differing roots in the province. The popularity of French immersion education programmes have also meant that the population of second-language French speakers outnumbers the francophone population.