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n. (plural of framer English)

Usage examples of "framers".

Iraq had Russian-made FROG tactical missiles with a range of 90 kilometers, and the framers of UNSCR 687 believed that it was important to maintain a strong Iraq to keep Iran in check, so they thought Iraq should be allowed to keep its FROGs.

But the philosophy, the theory of government, the understanding of the framers of the constitution, must be considered, if the expression will be allowed, as obiter dicta, and be judged on their merits.

The framers of the Bill of Rights had before them the example of England, where the ecclesiastical crime of heresy and the secular crime of treason had become nearly indistinguishable.

Poimenos joined the addicts, passed for the first time into the true, ungoverned realm of story, where the imagination is paramount, taking us to places not intended, often not foreseen, by the framers of the words and the makers of the music.

The Framers were dealing with sovereign states, doling out a small portion of their sovereignty to a central government.