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fraidy cat

n. (context childish English) A coward.

Fraidy Cat (film)

Fraidy Cat is a 1942 one-reel animated cartoon and is the 4th Tom and Jerry cartoon produced by Fred Quimby for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It was released in theaters on January 17, 1942 and re-issued in 1952.

Fraidy Cat

Fraidy Cat may refer to:

  • Fraidy Cat (film), a 1942 cartoon featuring Tom and Jerry
  • "Fraidy Cat", a 1988 episode of Garfield and Friends
  • Fraidy Cat (TV series), a cartoon series
  • Fraidy Cat, a 2008 animated horror short film from S4 Studios
Fraidy Cat (TV series)

Fraidy Cat is a 1975 comical children's cartoon show that originally appeared as a segment on Filmation's short-lived ABC series Uncle Croc's Block.

Usage examples of "fraidy cat".

If she wasn't such a fraidy cat, she would have known right away that it had to be Kirn's baby sister crying.

Being the 'fraidy cat that I am, I forced my husband to investigate.

She had to prove that she was the brave one, and I was the 'fraidy cat.