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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fragmentarily \Frag"men*ta*ri*ly\, adv. In a fragmentary manner; piecemeal.


adv. In a fragmentary manner.

Usage examples of "fragmentarily".

One through Nine, came in fragmentarily before the curtain of noise became an opaque white-out.

She feels that she is responding accurately to some extremity in the observed life in the great and desperate human action she reads about in the newspapers, listens to on the radio, and fragmentarily witnesses.

Moreover it was at first expressed only fragmentarily, and so obscurely that though people admitted its theoretic truth they could not entirely accept it as guidance for their conduct.

Production has been abolished, and reproduced mass-media images circulate randomly and fragmentarily on their own, having outlived their ostensible purpose of creating demand and stimulating sales.

American Indian is a thing to be retrieved fragmentarily, partly through the echoes of old songs, partly through the dim rememberings of ancient beliefs.

It showed fragmentarily the stout ribs and planking in the hollow, empty part of the lighter.

He felt that his archetypal Entity could at will send him bodily to any of these phases of bygone and distant life by changing his consciousness-plane and despite the marvels he had undergone he burned for the further marvel of walking in the flesh through those grotesque and incredible scenes which visions of the night had fragmentarily brought him.

It managed only to express itself partially, fragmentarily, in various transformations, till, by change, it found in the idea of the Mass for the Dead its fitting opportunity.

When the gamma rays finally strike Banner the Younger, they activate mutated genetic material that has been passed down to him from his father, and they further serve to amplify a rage born of childhood trauma, this stemming from a terrible domestic event involving his mother that Bruce has blacked out and is fragmentarily revealed during the course of the film.

Perhaps our difficulty arises because the former condition, while largely behind us, survives fragmentarily in our nightly dreams, whereas the other still lies ahead, even if we are rapidly approaching it.