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Usage examples of "frae".

Is there ony bit ye can bide at, not abune twenty miles frae Woodilee?

Hey for the mill and the kill, The garland and gear for my cogie, Hey for the whisky and yill, That washes the dust frae my craigie.

Seems like a pretty dodgy excuse for dragging me back frae the land of nod.

Shoemakers were then a very drucken set, but his beasts keepit him frae them.

It wasna sae in the time when Gawin Elliot that Glenfernie draws frae was hanged for gieing us that word!

There is a commission issued frae the Privy Council, as ye may have heard, to try those that are accused, but the first needcessity is to find the witches and exhort them to confession.

Her voice sae saft, sae sweet and clear, Afar in yonder bower sae green, The mavis quits her lay to hear A bonnier sang frae lovely Jean.

Glen Coe is an uncommon high, weather-glim scaup o land in the north of Argyll, no far frae Fort William.

She saw me, and kend me in the splore, for the mask fell frae my face for a blink.

Gang on as ye are gaun, tak the first turn to the north, and syne east again whaur ye see a muckle windmill that pumps the water frae the sheughs.

Eh, guid fowk, keep him till I get a place to tak him til, and syne haudna him a meenute frae me!

Surely he canna be that far frae waukin up to see and ken that he sees and kens naething!

Erl of MarrWith all his men in arms did ryse,Even frae Curgarf to Craigyvar:And down the syde of Don richt far,Angus and Mearns did all conveneTo fecht, or Donald came sae narThe ryall bruch of Aberdene.

It's no canny to run frae London to the Black Sea wi' a wind ahint ye, as though the Deil himself were blawin' on yer sail for his ain purpose.

But ye hae made it plain frae the poopit that ye hae nae supperstition aboot the first day o' the week, the whilk alane has aucht to dee wi' hiz Christians!