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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fractious \Frac"tious\, a. [Cf. Prov. E. frack forward, eager, E. freak, fridge; or Prov. E. fratch to squabble, quarrel.] Apt to break out into a passion; apt to scold; cross; snappish; ugly; unruly; as, a fractious man; a fractious horse.

Syn: Snappish; peevish; waspish; cross; irritable; perverse; pettish. -- Frac"tious*ly, v. -- Frac"tious*ness, n.


n. 1 The quality of being fractious; trouble-making; unruliness. 2 A peevish or cranky nature.


n. the trait of being prone to disobedience and lack of discipline [syn: unruliness, willfulness, wilfulness]

Usage examples of "fractiousness".

With all the potential fractiousness of that notoriously fractious body.

There was fractiousness among the younger birds, but the elders did not protest, for mating time was approaching and there were many second-year geese who had not yet selected their partners, so that confusion was inescapable.

The Balkans have always been the instruments of the foreign policy of the Great Powers, and have failed since ancient times to reach even a resemblance to advanced civilisation because of the natural indolence, fractiousness and brutality of their peoples.

Even Zarantha's mule hung its head without its normal fractiousness, and Brandark frowned as Bahzell swerved off the trail and moved along the flank of a hill.