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fowl run

n. an enclosed yard for keeping poultry [syn: chicken yard, hen yard, chicken run]

Usage examples of "fowl run".

Two arms extended out at angles from the structure, one for the stables, and another housing a fowl run full of cackling birds, and cages of rabbithorns as well.

I turned my memories over at random like pictures in an album: a fox I had seen by the light of an enemy flare over Orpington* stealing along beside a fowl run, out of his russet place in the marginal country:* the body of a bayoneted Malay which a Gurkha* patrol had brought at the back of a lorry into a mining camp in Pahang,* and the Chinese coolies stood by and giggled with nerves, while a brother Malay put a cushion under the dead head: a pigeon on a mantelpiece, poised for flight in a hotel bedroom: my wife's face at a window when I came home to say goodbye for the last time.