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fourth finger

n. The ring finger (of either hand)

Usage examples of "fourth finger".

A plain golden ring she'd worn on the fourth finger of her left hand.

The little finger and the fourth finger of each hand rest on the crests of the hips while the thumbs rest on the lower edge of the rib cage on each side.

Both thumbs were crushed and flattened and twisted, fingertips and nails were blurred into a shapeless mass, the little finger and half of the fourth finger of the left hand were missing, and the backs of both hands were covered with ugly scars surrounding bluish-purple weals in the middle, between the tendons of the middle and fourth fingers.

While she stared gape-mouthed at the mundane wound, he slid a matching signet ring upon the fourth finger of her left hand.

Next to it, he had joined the fourth finger and thumb of his right hand over his palm.

She held up her left hand and thumbed a gold ring around her fourth finger.

I hadn't taken Frank's gold band from my left hand when I married Jamie, but had worn Jamie's silver ring on the fourth finger of my right hand, for every day of the twenty-odd years since he put it there.

It was his crippled hand, the third finger marked bv a thick scar that ran the length of the first two joints, the fourth finger's second joint fused into stiffness, so that the finger stuck out awkwardly, even when he made a fist.

He raised her hand to his Mouth and kissed it, on the knuckle of her fourth finger, where one day-God willing-her ring would be.

There were numerous cuts, gashes, and bruises here and there, and he was fairly sure he'd broken the fourth finger of his right hand again-difficult to protect it, the way it stuck out so stiff, with the joint frozen.

The stiff fourth finger ,Made delicate chores such as writing difficult, but did provide one dubiousints signaled rain as reliably as a barbenefit in compensation.