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n. 1 (context rail transport English) (alternative spelling of four foot English) 2 (context curling English) (alternative spelling of 4-foot English)

Usage examples of "four-foot".

He tended towards worship over the four-foot fence, and she was sorry for him, an uncomfortable emotion, for Coode, like many noble fellows, had no tact.

The four-foot bubble with the Cygnan and the two humanoids curled inside was snubbed securely to the shaft.

He groped a little farther along the batture, and nearly put his hand on a four-foot snake that went whipping from beneath a downed tree.

The still air was being stirred now by a strangely warm wind and every look at the weatherglass confirmed that the mercury shrank inside its four-foot tube.

Behind lumbered Cadmus off-Droad, a four-foot cutlass in one hand, a six-pound cudger gun in the other.

Above the four-foot high, exterior cinderblock wall, tall windows offered him an easy out.

Zastros' elephants, averaged between twenty-two and twenty-six hands at the withers, not all of them had tushes, and those that did seldom used the three to four-foot protuberances in fighting, rather lifting men and hurling them to earth with their serpentine noses or trampling them.

Zastros' elephants, averaged between twenty-two and twenty-six hands at the withers, not all of them had tusks, and those that did seldom used the three to four-foot protuberances in fighting, rather lifting men and hurling them to earth with their serpentine noses or trampling them.

It had taken her four months to choose the right plants for her work space, from the four-foot split-leaf philodendron to the delicate white-blossomed African violet.

Soon a campaign poster was designed, but Chemo recoiled when he saw the finished product: the four-foot photographic blowup of his face magnified the two ingrown hair follicles on the tip of his otherwise normal nose.

It was a powerful piece of equipment which would attack jungle on a thirty-foot front, knock down all vegetation up to trees of four-foot diameter, shred it, loosen and sift the soil to a three-foot depth, and leave behind it smoothed, broken, pulverized dirt mixed with ground-up vegetation ready to break down into humus.

An armored pilot house was on the foredeck just above the four-foot iron beak.

The eight-foot-wide promenade atop the walls, ringed on either side by four-foot iron fences, was some six stories from the ground, and when I looked down I saw the streets from an angle that instantly recalled all the rooftop work we’.

Two Railway Express trucks were backed into four-foot drifts and a green mail truck was revving its motor noisily, gusts of its exhaust mingling carbon monoxide odors with the smell of overheated oily steam drifting back from the hardworking engine.

A flexible rubber hose, ending in a four-foot metal extension with a high-pressure nozzle, made it possible to stand twelve to fourteen feet from the target that you wished to spray.