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n. Four cards of the same suit in poker. vb. To bluff, especially in poker

Usage examples of "four-flush".

An' I've no use fer these four-flush cowboys thet 're always lookin' fer trouble an' talkin' gun-play.

An' every town you ride into will scare up some cowpuncher full of booze or a long-haired four-flush gunman or a sheriff–an' these men will be playin' to the crowd an' yellin' for your blood.

He explains that gunplay gravitates to men who are the real thing–that it is provoked by the four-flushes, the bad men.

You don't strike me as one of them four-flushes, achin' to kill somebody.

Now an' then I caught somethin' like low-down an' sneak an' four-flush an' long-haired skunk, but for the most part they was just the cussedest kind of names.

Roy was surrounded--and shot from behind Beasley--by that four-flush Riggs!

And I know the West well enough now to be sure that four-flush doesn't belong here and can't last here.

Roy was surrounded -- and shot from behind Beasley -- by that four-flush Riggs!

Jones as how you'd make up a four-flush at the Country Club this morning, sir.

I thought you was just four-flushin' that time you told me you'd quit the gay life, but I guess it takes more'n a four-flush for a girl like you to wear them clothes and starve to boot just for the sake of bein' decent.

If Mae wouldn't four-flush and act like the Belle of the Moulin Rouge, she'd be the nithest girl you ever met.

Quirt said you'd likely thrown down on innocent Kiowa because he knew for a fact you were a four-flushing show-off.