Crossword clues for fouling
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Foul \Foul\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fouled; p. pr. & vb. n. Fouling.]
To make filthy; to defile; to daub; to dirty; to soil; as, to foul the face or hands with mire.
(Mil.) To incrust (the bore of a gun) with burnt powder in the process of firing.
To cover (a ship's bottom) with anything that impered its sailing; as, a bottom fouled with barnacles.
To entangle, so as to impede motion; as, to foul a rope or cable in paying it out; to come into collision with; as, one boat fouled the other in a race.
n. The adhesion of a foreign material onto a surface, especially so as to reduce its functionality vb. (present participle of foul English)
Heat exchanger in a steam power plant, fouled by macro fouling
Condenser tube with residues of biofouling (cut open)
Condenser tube with calcium carbonate scaling (cut open)
Brass tube with corrosion traces (cut open)
Cost relations between the individual types of fouling
Fouling is the accumulation of unwanted material on solid surfaces to the detriment of function. The fouling materials can consist of either living organisms ( biofouling) or a non-living substance (inorganic or organic). Fouling is usually distinguished from other surface-growth phenomena in that it occurs on a surface of a component, system or plant performing a defined and useful function, and that the fouling process impedes or interferes with this function.
Other terms used in the literature to describe fouling include: deposit formation, encrustation, crudding, deposition, scaling, scale formation, slagging, and sludge formation. The last six terms have a more narrow meaning than fouling within the scope of the fouling science and technology, and they also have meanings outside of this scope; therefore, they should be used with caution.
Fouling phenomena are common and diverse, ranging from fouling of ship hulls, natural surfaces in the marine environment ( marine fouling), fouling of heat-transfer components through ingredients contained in the cooling water or gases, and even the development of plaque or calculus on teeth, or deposits on solar panels on Mars, among other examples.
This article is primarily devoted to the fouling of industrial heat exchangers, although the same theory is generally applicable to other varieties of fouling. In the cooling technology and other technical fields, a distinction is made between macro fouling and micro fouling. Of the two, micro fouling is the one which is usually more difficult to prevent and therefore more important.
Usage examples of "fouling".
I saw that Aberrancy was not a fouling of the body, but merely a changing.
The second gauss slug impacted over a wheel, smashing it back into the drivetrain and fouling the right-side independent drive mechanism.
But Obelia, seeing her lover about to be cut down, leaped across and pushed his arm, fouling his aim.
In this way both could drift on the midstream current without risk of fouling each other.
She turned and looked at the mess of organic slime and spilt rubbish fouling the ground.
The second gauss slug impacted over a wheel, smashing it back into the drivetrain and fouling the right-side independent drive mechanism.
Meanwhile, Indians from the Pojoaque pueblo are out fouling up traffic on a major state highway because of a snafu of another sort.
On the tenth pitch of the at bat, after fouling off four pitches with Superman swings, Sweeney takes a slider from Tam and golfs it off the 1-800-BAR-NONE sign, just over the left field wall.
Ryan, taking off the Uzi and starting to fieldstrip it, wiping the moisture of the night away from the metal, cleaning the action with a piece of oily cotton, removing any fouling from the blaster.
The message of the suit was so simple: Make the growers quit fouling our water.
Some people say that the American is fouling his own image in South America -- that instead of being a showpiece for "democracy," he not only tends to ape the wealthy, antidemocratic Latins, but sometimes beats them at their own game.
The Bearcat had been fouling me, too, giving it to me in the clinches, and calling me all kinds of dirty names.
Some brass hat'll be sitting down there with his staff getting all set for the countdown or whatever's going to happen and telling someone to do something about that goddamn little plane that's fouling up the works.
The base would need to be at least semi-rimless because a rimless case starts becoming harder to chamber as black powder fouling builds up, and a manual SKS action doesn't have the camming action that allows a turn-bolt to overcome this resistance.
The base would need to be at least semi-rimless because a rimless case starts becoming harder to chamber as black powder fouling builds up, and a manual SKS action doesn’t have the camming action that allows a turn-bolt to overcome this resistance.