The Collaborative International Dictionary
Fulahs \Fu"lahs`\, Foolahs \Foo"lahs`\, Fulani \Fu"la*ni\, n. pl.; sing. Fulah, Foolah. (Ethnol.) A peculiar African race of uncertain origin, but distinct from the negro tribes, inhabiting an extensive region of Western Soudan. Their color is brown or yellowish bronze. They are Mohammedans. Called also Fellatahs, Foulahs, and Fellani. Fulah and Fulani are also used adjectively; as, Fulah or Fulani empire, tribes, language.
Usage examples of "foulahs".
Evidently the fears expressed by the Foulahs had been genuine, and discretion had overpowered their desire for gain.
Turning, I perceived that I was no longer alone, though my companions were not the Foulahs, as I had hoped for a brief instant.
It was clear that she occupied a place of high importance among them, and I wondered, not for the first time, if she were the woman of whom the Foulahs had spoken -- the ruler of the Azombeii and the living viceregent of the goddess Wanaôs.
Wanaôs, as the Foulahs had said, was a deity of love and fecundation, the mother of all life, the mistress of the world, and her image had been accurately graven in wood by the pale strangers, so that the Azombeiians might have an exemplar for their idol.