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The Collaborative International Dictionary

foul-smelling \foul-smelling\ adj. emitting an unpleasasnt odor.

Syn: fetid, foul, funky, noisome, smelly, putrid, stinking.


a. Having an unpleasant odor.


adj. offensively malodorous; "a putrid smell" [syn: fetid, foetid, foul, funky, noisome, smelly, putrid, stinking]

Usage examples of "foul-smelling".

First one mires his ship in a morass of foul-smelling weeds a hundred miles across.

The water drained from the silts within seconds, leaving Felisin and the others on the main deck knee-deep in the foul-smelling muck.

Dreary tasks, all of them--tasks devoid of interest, of personal sense of usefulness, tasks simply to keep degrading soul in degenerating body, tasks performed in filthy factories, in foul-smelling workrooms and shops, in unhealthful surroundings.

Harry was deluged in the foul-smelling potion within: the brains slipped and slid over him and began spinning their long colored tentacles, but he shouted, "Wingardium Leviosa!

The vase broke and flooded her desk with the foul-smelling deluge, ruining the monthly report she had almost ready to send in to the county school superintendent.

All the same, he awoke on this morning, as he did every morning, at first daylight and slowly commenced his day, climbing out from under about twenty-five pounds of crazy quilts and old army blankets and hastily drawing on his sloppy old suit over his patched, foul-smelling long underwear.

As though in sympathy, the vines and pods in the tunnel behind her beat faster also, forcing out even more of the foul-smelling ash into the cavern.

Jaina slapped the glow stick aside, and the foul-smelling stinksalts, as well.

When Chiisai knocked on the thatch and willow door of the mean house at the end of the foul-smelling lane in Hinin, she was clad in the rags of a street urchin.

Thick, dank, foul-smelling air rushed into the room as Thrumann shut off the intake valve.

Sharpe said, then succumbed to an embrace from Javali and a gust of foul-smelling breath.

Aspirin, tooth powder, milk of magnesia, and small vials of prescription drugs competed for space with jars of foul-smelling powders marked by obscure alchemical symbols.

Frank Harrington sat by the tiny garret window from which I used to launch my paper aeroplanes, and smoked his foul-smelling pipe.

The energy blast hit the beast at point-blank range, and its head exploded, showering him with foul-smelling blood.

I was glad I had moved away because through the incision shot a high pressure jet of semi-liquid stomach contents - a greenish-brown, foul-smelling cascade which erupted from the depths of the cow as from an invisible pump.