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vb. (alternative spelling of fossilize English)

  1. v. convert to a fossil; "The little animals fossilized and are now embedded in the limestone" [syn: fossilize]

  2. become mentally inflexible [syn: fossilize]

Usage examples of "fossilise".

Buddhism, supposedly preserving a fossilised form of that religion after it had disappeared from its last Indian centres in Kashmir, Bihar and Bengal.

Then they went into the Natural History Museum and marvelled at the skeletons of ancient creatures, monsters, fossilised fish and outlandish birds.

The first radio set his race had built were now fossilised in strata a thousand million years old.

In other cases we have the plainest evidence in great fossilised trees, still standing upright as they grew, of many long intervals of time and changes of level during the process of deposition, which would never even have been suspected, had not the trees chanced to have been preserved: thus, Messrs.

Fanned by a constant updraught of ventilation between the kitchen and the chimneyflue, ignition was communicated from the faggots of precombustible fuel to polyhedral masses of bituminous coal, containing in compressed mineral form the foliated fossilised decidua of primeval forests which had in turn derived their vegetative existence from the sun, primal source of heat (radiant), transmitted through omnipresent luminiferous diathermanous ether.