FOSSASIA is a non-profit organization supporting developers and makers of Free and Open Source technologies. It was founded by Hong Phuc Dang and Mario Behling. The aim of FOSSASIA is to develop and adapt open technologies for social change with a focus on Asian users. The FOSSASIA Summit takes place annually one month after the Lunar New Year. Projects at FOSSASIA range from open hardware, to design, graphics and software. FOSSASIA offers resources to projects and organizes an annual Open Technology event for students, developers and start ups.
The FOSSASIA Summit is the top Free and Open Source technology event in Asia for developers, start-ups, and contributors. It is a unique opportunity to share knowledge and experience about open source technologies and meet interesting contributors. FOSSASIA was established in the year 2009. Previous events took place in Cambodia and Vietnam.
FOSSASIA has its headquarters in Singapore, in the NUS Plug-In@Blk71 building.