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Forty-Fives (also known as Forty-Five, Forte Fives, Auction Forty-Fives, Auction 120s, 120, Growl, Spoil Five, Maw and Strong Fives) is a trick-taking card game that originated in Ireland. It's well known in Eastern Canada and played on the Gaspé Coast in Québec, in Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. There are slight variations across the provinces. It is also played in the Merrimack Valley region of Northern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire.

There are variations of the game. Traditional Forty Fives goes to a score of 45 point (hence the name of the game). Auction Forty Fives goes to a score of 120 points and requires bidding. In many areas outside of Canada, Auction Forty Fives is simply referred to as Forty Fives. Although the number 45 has no relevance to Auction Forty Fives, the name persisted. Auction Forty Fives is closely related to the game One-hundred and ten (110) also described below.