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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A lot of my friends are now changing careers, changing wives at forty, forty-five.
▪ He was about forty-five, and seemed devoid of personality.
▪ In 1925 forty-five Chicago judges voted to prohibit cameras in state courtrooms during judicial proceedings.

card. Cardinal number after ''forty-four'' and before ''forty-six''.

  1. adj. being five more than forty [syn: 45, xlv]

  2. n. a .45-caliber pistol

Forty-five (audio drama)

Forty-five is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. As the play released at the forty-fifth anniversary of the first episode of Doctor Who, it is made of four one-part stories, by different authors, rather than the usual multi-part serial. All episodes featured the Seventh Doctor as played by Sylvester McCoy, Ace played by Sophie Aldred and Hex played by Philip Olivier.

Usage examples of "forty-five".

His pastorate would be the longest in the annals of the parish, lasting forty-five years, and the friendship between Adams and Wibird, equally enduring.

There was no way in which the aircraft capable of carrying the dismantled pieces of the airframe, an extra forty-five thousand pounds weight, could land and take off at the lake.

The time involved was about half an hour, between seven-fifteen, when Phoebe Gunther left the baby carriage and its contents, including the monkey wrenches, with Boone in the room, and around seven forty-five, when Alger Kates discovered the body.

Straight Arrow antitank weapons were on their way to intercept and kill forty-five tanks.

And now, forty-five years later, here I was entering the lobby of the Arapahoe again.

We suffered nearly two hours of this intense and bitter cold, until at about two hundred and forty-five miles from the surface of the earth we entered a stratum of solid ice, when the mercury quickly rose to 32 degrees.

It was estimated that Bedaux left something on the order of forty-five thousand dollars in Fort St.

We cannot allow the Bronx to be captured by any such trick as this, with forty-five loyal seamen on board of her, to say nothing of myself as a loyal officer.

In women, hypertension increases the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease by 25 percent, and more than half of all women over age forty-five have it, including millions of women who have undiagnosed hypertension.

CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE in April Fisher, More, Abell and others taken from Buckden, and a number of Carthusian monks, forty-five people in all, were executed.

That income, being valued at that said time at from forty-four to forty-five million maravedis annually in the three districts of Castilla, Toledo, and Andalucia, dropped to twenty-two millions because of the new imposition, thereby losing a like sum annually.

He had won forty-five credits, and knew he had better quit before he caused irritation.

Never one to turn my back upon a virgin and having only respect and compassion for a young woman so far cheated of a gentle and loving wedding night, I donned the mask and the cloak and went about the enterprise, vowing that I should wring from the young woman tears of ecstasy or count myself a damned soul, and suffice it to say that I emerged from the bedroom some forty-five minutes later a victor on the Stairway to Heaven, having achieved my highest goals.

Newcastle had been more than forty-five years in the cabinet, and this utter disregard to money-making exhibits his patriotism in a strong light: few would have served their country so long without well replenishing their coffers, especially at that age, when the virtues of disinterestedness and self-abnegation were exotic rather than indigenous to the human heart.

The footrope he was on on the mizzen topsailyard was down at a forty-five- degree angle, and new men were skittering it until it almost tucked under the yard in their panic.